December 31, 2007

I'm back!

I'm back!

Hello world!
In this time of the year everybody looks backward and evalute what gone well or wrong. Then, its time to look forward and plan the next year.
I'm in the middle of the process. So, i'm respecting the schedulle, as today is the 30th of december 2007. But i already have some ideias about what I wish to perform during the next 12 months.
My first iniciative will be to revigorate this blog, i created in the beggining of 2007, but only updated it 2 or 3 times.
So, during 2008 you shall find here my thoughts about everything, updated daily.
Of course, most os the topics i shall cover will be mainly related to the fields I like more, like economics, financial markets, gadgets, books and arts. All these will be updated daily, in english (or some language similar to english) :)
I expect to produce one interesting blog. I will feel successful if I start have some regular visitors, specially if i get some feedback. My main motivation is to try to exchange ideas with people with similar interests (but with different views/opinions). I will be happy also to get some corrections on my grammar!
The countdown is almost starting! I wish you a happy and successful 2008! With somw luck, it will be the year we start exchange some thoughts about ... Life!
Tomorrow, if not earlier, i' ll be back!

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